Common questions about EyeCare & Vision Therapy

Contact us if you have more questions and we'll do our best to answer.

  • How do I get started with Vision Therapy?

    1. Schedule a comprehensive vision exam with Dr. Joseph Pederzolli to determine if you or your child is a candidate for Vision Therapy. There may be an additional; more extensive evaluation indicated that would need a second appointment.
    2. If therapy is recommended, a consultation appointment summarizing all the results is arranged to discuss the vision treatment plan. Sometimes this is done by phone if there is a long travel time to the EyeCare & Vision Therapy office.
    3. Regular in-office vision therapy visits are scheduled on a weekly basis. Home activities may also be assigned to be completed on non-therapy days.
  • How are vision and learning connected?

    It is known that one in every four children struggle with reading and learning because of overlooked and undiagnosed vision problems. Some common symptoms that indicate a visually-related learning problem:

    • Excessive reversals of letters and words
    • Poor reading comprehension
    • Repeatedly omits or misreads words
    • Difficulty completing assignments
    • Loses place while reading
    • Mistakes when copying from the board


    • 80 to 85% of our perception, learning, cognition, and activities are mediated through vision
    • 75 to 90% of classroom learning takes place through the visual system
    • 60% of students identified as “problem learners” have undetected vision problems
    • 70 to 80% of children diagnosed with learning difficulties, ADHD, reading/writing/math problems, developmental delays, dyslexia, or autism have visually-related learning problems
  • What is Vision?

    Vision, a powerful behavior of the sighted human consists of our ability to direct looking/seeing, movement, thinking and attention. Vision both directs and derives meaning in one’s perceived and experienced spatially-structured world. An individual usually sees what he/she understands at some level. Vision is a doing (output, feed forward) as well as sensing (taking in). Vision directs action and derives meaning in a space-time interpreted world.

  • Are there workshops explaining vision therapy?

    Basis for in-office workshops: Throughout the year workshops are held at our office for anyone interested. Attendees can be parents, teachers, occupational therapists, and speech therapists amongst many. Workshops are designed to last 1 ½ hours. The intent of the workshop is to present some formal information about vision, to discuss how to identify vision problems, to learn to do some testing and most importantly, you get to ask questions.

    On-site workshops: Dr. Joseph Pederzolli would be pleased to travel and visit your group, club, school, or organization to present a workshop on vision. Contact our office to schedule a date (330-913-7333).

  • Why choose the optometrist at EyeCare & Vision Therapy?

    In most eye care practices Vision Therapy is not an available option used to resolve your particular vision problem. Even though the majority of optometric care is through glasses and contact lenses, Vision Therapy should not be ignored. Some lives can be greatly affected by the improved visual abilities that Vision Therapy can produce. Most people are never aware of the option of Vision Therapy that can have a great impact on their daily lives.

  • Is Vision Therapy effective?

    Vision Therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of vision problems for more than 70 years. The College of Optometrists in Vision Development maintains an archive of published research articles and clinical studies on the positive effectiveness of Vision Therapy. (www.covd.org)

  • What is Vision Therapy?

    Vision Therapy is a progressive program of prescribed vision procedures to help an individual’s eyes work together and with the brain to properly interpret visual information. The therapy is individualized to fit the needs of each patient and is performed under doctor supervision one to two times per week for several weeks. The program is sometimes supplemented with procedures the patient can do at home between office visits. Specialized medical equipment and materials used in Vision Therapy may include therapeutic lenses, prisms, filters, occluders or patches, electronic targets with timing mechanisms, stereoscopic devices, rotating targets, and computer software.

  • What does Vision Therapy treat?

    At this office there is special attention towards visually-related learning problems, tired eyes in the workplace, crossed or turned eyes (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia), acquired brain injury (mTBI), developmentally delayed children, headaches from visual stress, and Sports Vision.

  • Why visit EyeCare & Vision Therapy Center?

    We take a professional, personalized approach towards resolving visual problems. This can be anywhere from treating a red, sore eye; improving your clarity of view; empowering yourself at school or work through lenses and/or vision therapy; providing contact lenses to meet your needs; to fitting-up eyewear that you can enjoy wearing.

Questions about Vision Therapy?

Request a Consultation